Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another North Dakota story

While Marg and Laurel visited Theodore Roosevelt National Park as well as the Oxe Bow area, I spent yesterday (June 30) roaming the streets of Dickinson, North Dakota. Visiting shop keepers as well as locals, I stumbled across two organizations which represented a community's "self help" efforts.

The first was a unique bookstore called "Friends of the (Dickinson) Library". All the books (both soft and hard cover) -- donated by locals -- sold for the ridiculous price of no more than $ 1.00 per book while magazines such as a June 20th issue of The New Yorker sold for $ .25. The remarkable thing about this organization is that all proceeds are donated to the Dickinson Library.

The second organization, a "Good Will-type" store, called ARC (Association of Retarded Citizens) Aid. Receiving donations from the Dickinson citizens, it resells the items at quite a mark down of price. All proceeds are used by the local Association in support of the community's Special Citizens.

I specifically mention these organizations because it was refreshing to witness efforts to better a community without "Big Brother" (translated = big government) involvement. There is hope for our country after all!!!

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